One Year Later - Wealth Building

By Peter Edwards

Are you new to online marketing, wealth building or a seasoned campaigner? Its a Teddy's Bear picnic out there, and sadly often short on desert. Many, including this author have punted on the latest program, matrix or opportunity. Oh yes, its been an interesting 12 months.

There can be a real upside amongst the mayhem, absolutely. Seek and find a real teacher, someone who understands success is by putting others first, always.

A huge percentage of people look at wealth building online, want information, they want it quick and simple and without fuss. The conversion of fast knowledge to fast cash rules.

Lets look at what I consider to be the real deal.

How do you encourage people to get up and move?

How did I do it?

We all desire multiple income streams, better still if input is minimal and stress free. Motivated souls will always be successful, however, the passive market is huge and not be ignored. Find those people a company to build passive wealth and they will love you forever. There are caveats though. You have to serve and serve well.

A program called The Berry Tree prides itself on guarantying all its members success. The hungry ones do it quickly, the passive ones do as well, but over a period of time. Keeping passive members motivated is one of life's mysteries, however it can be done - simply serve them. Sometimes paying $55.95 on a health product each month isn't enough,the passive members like to build their business but have little interest in sharing an opportunity. You do it for them, and its not as difficult as you would think.

I joined the Berry Tree in June of 2007. Great program but with flaws. The upside it was a new company and would evolve, they were owned by Nutronix a huge wellness company - a positive. As of June 1st 2008 many of the issues re-improving its compensation plan, rewarding passive members quicker had been addressed. As always time will tell.

The following 12 month motivation of member maintenance (MMM) will not be too difficult if one serves others with a joyful heart, offer truths and a way forward but mindful of passive natures. Creating a win for all, begins with you and me. Seriously there is no greater motivation than rejoicing in the success of others. Granted, it may sound noble, but its proven and it works.

Over the last 12months I received 6 FREE Credits from Berry Tree, accumulate 10 and you have reached their first bonus commission level Bronze. Currently Bronze is worth approximately $150 a month. The process can be fast tracked by introducing people, for those who have no interest in sharing, the credits keep there appears to many ways to reach Bronze and beyond. Reach higher levels and you are looking at 10K a month +, IF you apply yourself and follow a narrow path. There are no limits to your monthly income, only yourself.

A company who boast 8000 members in their first 12 months and have aspirations of 200,000 by the end of their second, does that smell Hype? Personally I feel 50,000 is closer to the mark. The new compensation plan has excited many. Boosting the Bronze payouts by 500% was enough to get me going. At the end of the day a company has to walk the talk. Reward those who have supported you.

The recently introduced 2x2 Berry Tree matrix provides another income steam. The charter is helping others. That won me immediately as that has been my take on this since joining The Berry Tree 12 months. Noble? Not at all, just simple and proven life principle that works.

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